60 Day Jump Start


Coach with me:

  • One 60 min Zoom Call or Phone Call per week
  • Reviewing, assisting and holding clients accountable with completing FLQ Assessments, and Financial Life Vault
  • Financial Life Professional provides action steps and schedule to complete tasks using the Legacy Proprietary Tools
  • Strategic Conversations in areas where Financial Life Professional is qualified to comment on.
  • Clients will receive or become:
    • Fully financially organized. A place for everything and everything in its place
    • An understanding of their current financial capabilities by learning how to live life intentionally
    • Insight into where they would like to be in 1 to 3 or 5 years (live intentionally)

Begin your path to a Great Financial Life by taking action today!


2021 Kickstart!

Kickstart 2021 with your Personal Vision! I am so excited to share this workshop with you! It is 90 minutes and only $25, which all goes to charity!